Plateau Water Planning Group ( PWPG )

It is important that Kerr County have an adequate water supply and that water resources be sensibly developed; and UGRA is part of a team effort to ensure that these goals are realized. UGRA owns and manages Guadalupe River water rights, plays an active role in the Texas Regional Water Planning process, and assumes the role of the Political Subdivision Contract Manager for the Plateau Region Water Planning Group.

Plateau Water Planning Group (Region J)

Stretching from the Central Texas Hill Country westward to the Rio Grande, the Plateau Water Planning Group region is located along the southern boundary of the Edwards Plateau and includes Bandera, Edwards, Kerr, Kinney, Real and Val Verde Counties (map). The Region hosts part of five major River Basins (Rio Grande, Nueces, San Antonio, Colorado and Guadalupe) and their spring-fed tributaries. While underground, the Region is served by three major (Edwards-Trinity Plateau, Edwards BFZ, and Trinity) and several minor aquifers. The Plateau Region is one of 16 water planning regions designated by the Texas Water Development Board (map).The Plateau Water Planning Group (PWPG) is a voluntary association comprised of knowledgeable members representing a minimum of 11 water-use categories, including at least one representative from each of the six counties and from the three Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs).

Region Water Planning Process

In response to the drought of the 1950s and in recognition of the need to plan for the future, The Texas Legislature created the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to evaluate the availability of the state’s water resources and prepare plans to meet the state’s future water needs. In 1997, the Legislature established a new water planning process coordinated by 16 planning groups representing 16 designated water planning regions (map). The planning groups are each made up of about 20 members that represent a variety of water supply interests. The planning groups conduct all functions at open meetings in an open and participatory manner. Every five years, water plans developed by the 16 regions are merged by the TWDB into a State Water Plan. The ultimate goal of the State Water Plan is to identify policies and actions that may be needed to meet Texas’ near- and long-term water needs based on a reasonable projected use of water, affordable water supply availability, and conservation of the state’s natural resources.

The 16 regional water plans are developed according to a set of guidelines to insure uniformity of format and contain the following major tasks:

  • Description of the planning region

  • Projection (50 years) of population and water demand

  • Analysis of regional water supply sources

  • Identification of existing and future water supply needs

  • Development of water supply management strategies and conservation recommendations

  • Consideration of strategy impacts and consistency with protection of agricultural and natural resources

  • Analysis of regional drought responses

  • Development of water policy recommendations

  • Estimation of water infrastructure financial needs

  • Description of public participation and Plan adoption

  • Analysis of implementation and comparison to the previous regional water plan

Water Planning Maps

2022 State Water Plan

The Texas Water Development Board adopted the 2022 State Water Plan in July 2021.  Additionally, the Interactive 2022 State Water Plan is available on the TWDB website. This site enables users to take an in-depth look at the 2022 State Water Plan data, projects, and strategies to see how water needs change over time, with filter options that allow viewing statewide details down to the water user level.

2021 Plateau Region Water Plan

The 2021 Plateau Region Water Plan was adopted by the Plateau Water Planning Group (PWPG) on October 22, 2020, and is a regional component of the 2022 State Water Plan.

Model Drought Contingency Plans

Sixth Cycle (2026) Regional Water Planning Documents:

PWPG Bylaws:

PWPG Members:

PWPG 6th Cycle Meeting Materials:

Recordings of meetings are available upon request to Jody Grinstead (

The next PWPG regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 8, 2024

April 25, 2024 Regular Meeting

April 25, 2024 Agenda Item 9 Handouts

April 25, 2024 Agenda Item 13 Handouts

February 22, 2024 Regular Meeting

January 11, 2024 Special Meeting

October 26, 2023 Regular Meeting

August 2, 2023 Regular Meeting

June 22, 2023 Regular Meeting

April 20, 2023 Regular Meeting

January 26, 2023 Regular Meeting

September 15, 2022 Regular Meeting

May 5, 2022 Regular Meeting

March 17, 2022 Regular Meeting

July 27, 2021 Regular Meeting

July 27, 2021 Public Meeting

May 13, 2021 Regular Meeting

Archive Meeting Materials:

Plateau Region Reports: